Our website is https://gmwhats.app/

The Privacy Policy explains how we know about the data and information collected when you visit GMWHATS.app, as well as stating the basic principles and a clear uninstallation progress. By accessing this website and using the services, you agree to the terms of this privacy policy.


At GMWHATS.app we use third party providers, such as Google, who use cookies to serve ads that may be based on your previous visits to the website.


We will use Google Analytics tools to understand data and information about how visitors use GMWHATS.app, including the URL from which you came to GMWHATS.app, IP address, computer and browser type, the time spent on the site, the number of pages visited by GMWHATS.app, and the URLs from which you exit.


GMWHATS.app may contain links to external websites. We are not in any way responsible for the privacy and terms and conditions of these websites. Therefore, you must review their privacy terms and conditions yourself. If you would like to be informed of our privacy policy, you can contact us at any time.


The app shall present and provide clear and valuable advice to the user.

GMWHATS.app reserves the right not to make available from its website any application that GMWHATS.app considers to be or to be associated with malware, spyware or viruses and that does not pose a potential threat to the user’s privacy.
Unintentional downloading of APP without the user’s consent (“stowaway downloads”) is not permitted.


Users should be able to easily disable or remove any Apps from the user’s device.

Users should not be charged for the removal of App or be required to go through a lengthy and irrelevant process of uninstallation tasks.

No new offers should be made to users during or after the completion of the uninstallation process.

If additional options are offered to users, the option to completely remove the App should be the most prominent.

The uninstall must not affect unrelated files or otherwise use tricks or scare tactics to prevent the uninstall. An example of this tactic is misleadingly claiming negative effects on the user’s phone or privacy.

Apps that affect or change the phone’s settings should be reverted.

Once the App has been disabled or removed, no remnants or programs should be left behind, nor should they remain active or be automatically enabled at a later date by themselves or other Apps.

GMWHATS.app reserves the right to immediately reject any App that violates this policy or to blacklist it from appearing on its website or that it deems harmful to its users, its image or its interests, at its sole discretion.

This policy is being continually improved. We hope you will help us to identify violations of this policy and improve it, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

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